The IEEE CSS Student Travel Support is meant to enable promising students to attend the IEEE CSS "Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)" and the "Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA)", present their papers and become more integrated into the CSS scientific community. In order to be eligible for the program, an applicant must be an author or co-author of (at least) one paper accepted for presentation at the corresponding conference; present at least one of the accepted papers; be a student member of both IEEE and CSS, at the time of the application. In case the number of applicants exceeds the budget, additional criteria will be used to make a selection among the applicants. These additional criteria, in decreasing order of importance, prefer applicants who have not benefited from this scheme in the last two years. will present more than one paper at the conference. can demonstrate active participation in CSS In addition, the selection committee may decide to limit awards where more than one presenter from the same institution would otherwise be offered an award to attend the same conference. For more details including application procedures and deadlines please refer to the corresponding conference website.