The overall purpose of the Member Activities Board (MAB) is to promote membership within the IEEE Control Systems Society and to provide IEEE resources to the membership through various committee activities. The MAB is headed by the Vice-President for Member Activities. Committee Chairs are expected to attend at least one MAB meeting per year in order to plan and coordinate their activities. If they cannot attend the MAB meeting, then a report of their activities should be forwarded twice a year to be reported at the MAB meetings at the ACC and the CDC. The Chairs of the MAB are appointed by the CSS President upon recommendation by the Vice President for MAB, and with the approval of the Executive Committee. The nominal term of office is one (calendar) year, although there is no limit on the number of terms that may be served. The standing and ad-hoc committees of the IEEE CSS Member Activities Board (MAB) are listed below. Respective scope information can be found on corresponding committee pages. Position(s): VP Member Activities Personnel: Necmiye Ozay University of Michigan United States Email Website Awards Committee Chair Personnel: Thomas Parisini Imperial College London (UK) and University of Trieste (Italy) Email Award Nominations Chair Personnel: Claire Tomlin Stanford University United States Email Website Chapter Activities Chair Personnel: Guoqiang Hu Nanyang Technological University Singapore 10 (Asia and Pacific) Email Website Distinguished Lecturer Chair Personnel: Sanjay Lall Stanford University United States Fellow Evaluation Chair Personnel: Peter J. Seiler University of Michigan United States Email Website Fellow Nominations Chair Personnel: Antonis Papachristodoulou University of Oxford United Kingdom Email Website History Committee Chair Personnel: Alberto Isidori University di Roma "La Sapienza" Italy Email Industry Activities Chair Personnel: Lidia Auret Student Activities Chair Personnel: Francesca Parise Cornell University United States Email Website WiC Co-Chairs Personnel: Dennice F. Gayme Johns Hopkins University United States Email Afef Fekih University of Louisianan, Lafayette United States 5 (Southwestern U.S.) Email Website