To recognize significant technical contributions or outstanding long-term service to the IEEE Control Systems Society. Prize: Plaque Funding: Funded by the IEEE Control Systems Society. Presentation: At the Awards Ceremony of the CSS. Basis for Judging: The technical merit of the significant technical contributions and outstanding long-term service. The broader impacts of the contribution towards the benefit of society at large and towards the CSS diversity and inclusiveness goals in terms of geography, gender, and work sector. Eligibility: Must have been a member of the CSS for at least five (5) years. 2023 Photo: Jorge Cortés For significant technical contributions in the area of cooperative control and outstanding long-term service to the Control Systems Society. Acceptance Speech × Photo: Jing Sun For significant technical contributions in the area of control of marine and automotive propulsion systems and outstanding long-term service to the Control Systems Society. Acceptance Speech × Photo: Andrea Serrani For significant technical contributions in the area of nonlinear control and outstanding long-term service to the Control Systems Society. Acceptance Speech × 2022 Photo: Dawn Tilbury For significant technical contributions and outstanding long-term service to the Control Systems Society. Acceptance Speech × Photo: Li-Chen Fu For significant technical contributions and outstanding long-term service to the Control Systems Society. Acceptance Speech × 2021 Photo: Sandra Hirche Acceptance Speech × Photo: Masayuki Fujita Acceptance Speech × Photo: Robert Bitmead Acceptance Speech × 2020 Photo: Warren Dixon For your significant technical contributions and outstanding long-term service to the Control Systems Society Acceptance Speech Acceptance Speech × Video Link Photo: Faryar Jabbari For your significant technical contributions and outstanding long-term service to the Control Systems Society Acceptance Speech Acceptance Speech × Video Link Photo: Jonathan How For your significant technical contributions and outstanding long-term service to the Control Systems Society Acceptance Speech Acceptance Speech × Video Link Photo: Kirsten Morris For your significant technical contributions and outstanding long-term service to the Control Systems Society Acceptance Speech Acceptance Speech × Video Link 2019 Photo: Venkataramanan (Ragu) Balakrishnan For outstanding long-term service to the Control Systems Society through governance and leadership in the CSS Board of Governors and Executive Committee Acceptance Speech × Photo: Daniel Rivera For outstanding long-term service to the Control Systems Society most notably for leadership of the CSS Outreach Program Acceptance Speech × 2018 Photo: Maria Prandini For contributions to stochastic, hybrid, and distributed control systems and outstanding service to the Control Systems Society related to electronic publications and conference activities Acceptance Speech × Photo: Miroslav Krstic For contributions to adaptive, nonlinear and stochastic control and outstanding long-term service to the Control Systems Society Acceptance Speech × 2017 Photo: Linda Bushnell For contributions to networked control systems and outstanding long-term service to the Society Acceptance Speech × 2016 Photo: Anuradha Annaswamy For contributions to adaptive control systems with applications ranging from dynamic pricing for smart cities to cyber-physical systems, and outstanding service to the Control Systems Society related to membership activities Acceptance Speech × Photo: Mathukumalli Vidyasagar For fundamental contributions to robust and nonlinear control theory with applications ranging from robotics to computational biology, and outstanding service to the Control Systems Society Acceptance Speech × 2015 Photo: Francesco Bullo For scientific contributions to nonlinear control, network systems and distributed control with application to robotic coordination, power grids, and social networks, and outstanding service to the Control Systems Society related to publication and technical activities Acceptance Speech × Photo: Frank Allgöwer For scientific contributions to the analysis and control of nonlinear systems with applications ranging from control of atomic force microscopes to biomedical applications, and outstanding service to the Control Systems Society related to technical activities Acceptance Speech × 2013 Photo: Shuzhi Sam Ge For contributions to intelligent control of nonlinear systems and robotics and outstanding service to the Control Systems Society through technical and membership related activities Acceptance Speech × 2012 Photo: Mario Sznaier For contributions to multiobjective robust control, dynamic vision and imaging, and identification, and for outstanding service to the Control Systems Society in his role as Executive Director and member of its Board of Governors Acceptance Speech × Photo: Alessandro Astolfi For contributions to nonlinear control theory and adaptive control theory and their applications to electromechanical and power systems, and for outstanding service to the Control Systems Society as Chair of the Society’s Conference Editorial Board Acceptance Speech × 2011 Photo: Maria Elena Valcher For scientific contributions in the areas of multidimensional linear systems, behavior theory, fault detection, delay systems, switched systems, positive systems, and outstanding service to the Control Systems Society through conference and membership related activities Acceptance Speech × Photo: Ted Djaferis For contributions to robust control theory, parametric robustness and algebraic systems theory; and outstanding service to the Control Systems Society in conference organization, revitalization of the CSS conference-related structures, and society governance (in Board of Governors, Vice President and President roles) Acceptance Speech × 2010 Photo: Edwin Chong To recognize significant technical contributions in the areas of control, optimization, and modeling, and outstanding long-term service to the Society through editorial and conference-related activities Acceptance Speech × 2009 Photo: Yutaka Yamamoto To recognize significant technical contributions and outstanding long-term service to the Society Acceptance Speech × Photo: Frank J. Doyle, III To recognize significant technical contributions and outstanding long-term service to the Society Acceptance Speech × Photo: Jay Farrell To recognize significant technical contributions and outstanding long-term service to the Society Acceptance Speech × 2008 Photo: Richard Middleton To recognize significant technical contributions and outstanding long-term service to the Society Acceptance Speech × 2007 Photo: Thomas Parisini To recognize significant technical contributions and outstanding long-term service to the Society Acceptance Speech × Photo: Dennis Bernstein To recognize significant technical contributions and outstanding long-term service to the Society Acceptance Speech × 2006 Photo: David Castañón Acceptance Speech × Photo: Christos G. Cassandras Acceptance Speech × 2005 Photo: Cheryl Schrader Acceptance Speech × Photo: Roberto Tempo Acceptance Speech × 2003 Huibert Kwakernaak Acceptance Speech × Photo: Tariq Samad Acceptance Speech × Photo: Gene Franklin Acceptance Speech × 2002 Photo: Mark Spong Acceptance Speech × Photo: Kevin Passino Acceptance Speech × 2001 Photo: Pradeep Misra Acceptance Speech × 2000 Photo: Bozenna Pasik-Duncan Acceptance Speech × Photo: Stephen Yurkovich Acceptance Speech × 1998 Photo: Katsuhisa Furuta Acceptance Speech × Photo: Anthony Michel Acceptance Speech × Photo: Karl Johan Åström Acceptance Speech × Photo: Panos Antsaklis Acceptance Speech × 1997 Michael Gevers Acceptance Speech × Photo: Michael Masten Acceptance Speech × 1996 Photo: Hidenori Kimura Acceptance Speech × Photo: J. Douglas Birdwell Acceptance Speech × Photo: Tzyh-Jong Tarn Acceptance Speech × Photo: Derek Atherton Acceptance Speech × 1995 Photo: Joe Chow Acceptance Speech × Photo: Bruce Krogh Acceptance Speech × Eugene King Acceptance Speech × 1994 Photo: Charles J. Herget Acceptance Speech × Photo: Leonard Shaw Acceptance Speech × Photo: John Baillieul Acceptance Speech × Photo: Radhakishan Baheti Acceptance Speech × Timothy L. Johnson Acceptance Speech × Photo: H. Vincent Poor Acceptance Speech × 1993 Photo: Daniel Repperger Acceptance Speech × Photo: Wilson Rugh Acceptance Speech × Photo: Tamer Bașar Acceptance Speech × 1992 Photo: N. Harris McClamroch Acceptance Speech × Photo: Michael Polis Acceptance Speech × 1991 Photo: Alan Laub Acceptance Speech × 1990 Photo: Raymond DeCarlo Acceptance Speech × Photo: William Levine Acceptance Speech × 1989 Photo: George Saridis Acceptance Speech × H. Austin Spang III Acceptance Speech × Photo: Jane Cullum Acceptance Speech × 1988 Elizabeth Ducot Acceptance Speech × Photo: Alan Willsky Acceptance Speech × 1987 Photo: Herbert Rauch Acceptance Speech × Photo: Yaakov Bar Shalom Acceptance Speech × Photo: Alexander Levis Acceptance Speech × 1986 Photo: Peter Dorato Acceptance Speech × Photo: William Perkins Acceptance Speech × 1985 Photo: Yu Ho Acceptance Speech × Photo: Mohammad Jamshidi Acceptance Speech × Photo: Abraham H. Haddad Acceptance Speech × Photo: Pierre Belanger Acceptance Speech × Bernie Friedland Acceptance Speech × Photo: J. Boyd Pearson Acceptance Speech × 1984 Photo: Edward Davison Acceptance Speech × Photo: Leonard Silverman Acceptance Speech × 1983 Photo: Nathaniel Nichols Acceptance Speech × Photo: Louis Kazda Acceptance Speech × Photo: Harold Sorenson Acceptance Speech × Photo: John Salzer Acceptance Speech × Photo: Stephen Kahne Acceptance Speech × John Ward Acceptance Speech × Photo: George S. Axelby Acceptance Speech × Photo: James Meditch Acceptance Speech × John Lozier Acceptance Speech × Photo: Jose B. Cruz, Jr. Acceptance Speech × Photo: Michael K. Sain Acceptance Speech × Photo: Elliot Axelband Acceptance Speech × L.B. Wadel Acceptance Speech × Photo: James Melsa Acceptance Speech × Photo: Robert Larson Acceptance Speech × R.B. Wilcox Acceptance Speech × Photo: Michael Athans Acceptance Speech × Photo: Jerry M. Mendel Acceptance Speech × Photo: John Lewis Acceptance Speech × Photo: John Zaborszky Acceptance Speech ×
For significant technical contributions in the area of cooperative control and outstanding long-term service to the Control Systems Society.
For significant technical contributions in the area of control of marine and automotive propulsion systems and outstanding long-term service to the Control Systems Society.
For significant technical contributions in the area of nonlinear control and outstanding long-term service to the Control Systems Society.
For significant technical contributions and outstanding long-term service to the Control Systems Society.
For significant technical contributions and outstanding long-term service to the Control Systems Society.
For your significant technical contributions and outstanding long-term service to the Control Systems Society
For your significant technical contributions and outstanding long-term service to the Control Systems Society
For your significant technical contributions and outstanding long-term service to the Control Systems Society
For your significant technical contributions and outstanding long-term service to the Control Systems Society
For outstanding long-term service to the Control Systems Society through governance and leadership in the CSS Board of Governors and Executive Committee
For outstanding long-term service to the Control Systems Society most notably for leadership of the CSS Outreach Program
For contributions to stochastic, hybrid, and distributed control systems and outstanding service to the Control Systems Society related to electronic publications and conference activities
For contributions to adaptive, nonlinear and stochastic control and outstanding long-term service to the Control Systems Society
For contributions to adaptive control systems with applications ranging from dynamic pricing for smart cities to cyber-physical systems, and outstanding service to the Control Systems Society related to membership activities
For fundamental contributions to robust and nonlinear control theory with applications ranging from robotics to computational biology, and outstanding service to the Control Systems Society
For scientific contributions to nonlinear control, network systems and distributed control with application to robotic coordination, power grids, and social networks, and outstanding service to the Control Systems Society related to publication and technical activities
For scientific contributions to the analysis and control of nonlinear systems with applications ranging from control of atomic force microscopes to biomedical applications, and outstanding service to the Control Systems Society related to technical activities
For contributions to intelligent control of nonlinear systems and robotics and outstanding service to the Control Systems Society through technical and membership related activities
For contributions to multiobjective robust control, dynamic vision and imaging, and identification, and for outstanding service to the Control Systems Society in his role as Executive Director and member of its Board of Governors
For contributions to nonlinear control theory and adaptive control theory and their applications to electromechanical and power systems, and for outstanding service to the Control Systems Society as Chair of the Society’s Conference Editorial Board
For scientific contributions in the areas of multidimensional linear systems, behavior theory, fault detection, delay systems, switched systems, positive systems, and outstanding service to the Control Systems Society through conference and membership related activities
For contributions to robust control theory, parametric robustness and algebraic systems theory; and outstanding service to the Control Systems Society in conference organization, revitalization of the CSS conference-related structures, and society governance (in Board of Governors, Vice President and President roles)
To recognize significant technical contributions in the areas of control, optimization, and modeling, and outstanding long-term service to the Society through editorial and conference-related activities