Chair(s): Alexander Katriniok Eindhoven University of Technology Netherlands Email About the TC The IEEE CSS Technical Committee on Automotive Controls (TC-AC) brings together academic researchers and industry practitioners who address control challenges in automotive applications, including, amongst others, vehicle dynamics, connected and automated vehicles, intelligent transportation systems, energy storage systems, (electrified) powertrains, and smart mobility systems. Jessy Grizzle and Luigi Glielmo established the TC in 1999, and past chairs include Rajesh Rajamani (2003-2005), Ilya Kolmanovsky (2006-2008), Francesco Borrelli (2009-2011), Stefano Di Cairano (2012-2014), Simona Onori (2015-2017), Jason Siegel (2018-2020) and Mara Tanelli (2021-2023). As incoming chair, I would like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to the previous chair Mara Tanelli for her active service, enthusiasm, and dedication. I am really looking forward working closely with the committee members, partnering TCs and the community on a very relevant and exciting field of application. There are currently more than 150 members of the technical committee. With significant participation from both academia and industry, the committee coordinates activities toward improving the understanding of challenges, problems, and effective methods of controlling automotive systems. The TC serves its members by coordinating invited sessions at conferences and special issues in journals, and by disseminating information between industry and academia, such as job postings and calls for funding proposals. Meetings of the TC are organized twice annually, that is, at the American Control Conference (ACC) and the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). Organization Recognizing how much automotive control applications have broadened in recent years, the TC is organized in six working groups (WGs), which are chaired by TC members: With this WG structure, the TC is able to better focus on its activities and plan dedicated actions. It is envisioned to be more present in the community and to recognize the value of multidisciplinary activities by creating stronger liaisons with other TCs that are close to TC-AC and its research directions. Main TC Activities Among the major activities of the IEEE CSS TC on Automotive Controls is the organization of invited sessions at major conferences such as the American Control Conference (ACC), IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Application (CCTA), and the European Control Conference (ECC). Thereby, one of the missions of the TC-AC is to strengthen ties and further collaborations between the TCs of IEEE, IFAC, and ASME in the automotive control field and beyond, and to expand toward stronger and more synergistic activities between the three societies. How to become a TC member? The TC is open and happy to welcome new members, who are interested and willing to participate in the organizational activities, and who share the same passion for automotive controls. Any IEEE CSS member can join the TC-AC, and student members are highly welcome. To join, please send an e-mail with your affiliation information to Alexander Katriniok. We also have a LinkedIn group, for sharing calls for papers, targeted job postings and announcements.