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Past Conferences Table

Conference Name and Organizers Dates Location Downloads
14th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems [ICCAS 2014]
General Chair(s): Ki-Sub Lee, Doo Yong Lee
Program Chair(s): Hyungbo Shim
- Seoul, South Korea
18th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing [ICSTCC 2014]
General Chair(s): Mihail Voicu
Program Chair(s): Rogelio Lozano
- Sinaia, Romania
IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control [MSC 2014]
General Chair(s): Dominique Sauter
Program Chair(s): Frank Allgöwer, Magnus Egerstedt, Alessandro Casavola
- Antibes Congress Center Program
52nd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing [ALLERTON 2014]
General Chair(s): Olgica Milenkovic, Angelia Nedić
- Monticello, IL, United States
33rd Chinese Control Conference [CCC 2014]
General Chair(s): Han-fu Chen
Program Chair(s): Shengyuan Xu, Qianchuan Zhao
- Nanjing, China
13th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems [VSS 2014] - Nantes, France
11th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation [WCICA 2014]
General Chair(s): Tianyou Chai, Tzyh-Jong Tarn
Program Chair(s): Hong Wang
- Shenyang, China
IEEE 2014 Conference on Norbert Wiener in the 21st Century [SSIT 2014]
General Chair(s): Greg Adamson
Program Chair(s): Arthur Winston
- Boston, MA, United States
11th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation [ICCA 2014]
General Chair(s): Chun-Liang Lin, Cheng Xiang
Program Chair(s): Chee Khiang (Justin) Pang, Kai-Yew Lum
- Taichung, Taiwan
2014 American Control Conference [ACC 2014]
General Chair(s): Dawn Tilbury
Program Chair(s): Gary Balas
- Portland, OR, United States