All submissions to CSm should be through the website A sample article can be found here. Article template can be found here (Follow Magazines-IEEE Control Systems - Original Research and Brief Please number your pages. You may use Word or LaTeX. LaTeX is preferred. Do not include an abstract. Do not number sections. Center and boldface all major section headings, and left-align and boldface subheadings. List references in the order of citation in the text. Please format references in the Magazine's style. Do not use footnotes for any purpose, including authors' addresses. Be sure that your figure captions are consistent with CSm style. The Magazine encourages color illustrations, figures, and photos. Although your PDF submission may be in black and white to minimize file size, you may wish to generate figures and images in color, which can be used when the paper is published. Figure captions: Be sure that each figure is well-motivated and transmits an important point. In addition, CSm uses a style for figure captions that enhances the impact of figures. For copyrighted images, figure captions must include an explicit statement that permission has been given. It is the author's responsibility to obtain this permission prior to final acceptance of the manuscript. It is the responsibility of the author to obtain copyright permission for all materials that are subject to copyright protection. You must provide an explicit acknowledgment of permission within your article. Digital images must be at least 300 dpi to be publishable. Be sure to scan your photos at adequate resolution. Photographs are also acceptable. Author affiliation(s), address(es), and acknowledgments should appear on a separate page. Before final acceptance, you will be sent a copy-edited version of your original manuscript. This will happen using the Overleaf platform.