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Past Conferences Table

Conference Name and Organizers Dates Location
IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control [MSC 2011]
General Chair(s): Kimon Valavanis
Program Chair(s): Jagannathan Sarangapani, Stjepan Bogdan, Graziano Chesi
- Denver, CO, United States
49th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing [ALLERTON 2011]
General Chair(s): Sean Meyn
Program Chair(s): B. Hajek
- Urbana-Champaign, IL, United States
2011 American Control Conference [ACC 2011]
General Chair(s): Rahmat Shoureshi
Program Chair(s): Faryar Jabbari
- San Francisco, CA, United States
19th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation [MED 2011]
General Chair(s): Anthony Tzes
Program Chair(s): George J. Pappas
- Corfu, Greece
4th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes [AdCONIP 2011]
General Chair(s): Biao Huang
- Hangzhou, China
Chinese Control and Decision Conference [CCDC 2011]
General Chair(s): Fuli Wang, Junbo Wang
Program Chair(s): Changyun Wen, Guang-Hong Yang
- Mianyang, China
IEEE International Systems Conference [SysCon 2011]
General Chair(s): Robert Rassa
Program Chair(s): Alain Beaulieu, George Foster, John Clark
- Montreal, Canada
International Conference on Communications, Computing and Control Applications [CCCA 2011]
General Chair(s): Giuseppe Conte, Kameshwar Poolla, Peter Jung
Program Chair(s): Henk van Tilborg, Messaoud Hassani, Nacer K. M'Sirdi
- Hammamet, Tunisia
49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control [CDC 2010]
General Chair(s): Mark Spong
Program Chair(s): Fathi Ghorbel
- Atlanta, GA, United States
The 11th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision [ICARCV 2010]
General Chair(s): Changyun Wen
Program Chair(s): P. N. Suganthan
- Singapore