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Past Conferences Table

Conference Name and Organizers Dates Location Downloads
Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security [GameSec 2010]
General Chair(s): Tansu Alpcan
Program Chair(s): John Baras, Levente Buttyan
- Berlin, Germany Program
14th International Conference on System Theory and Control (Joint Conference SINTES 14, SACCS 10, SIMSIS 14) [ICSTC 2010]
General Chair(s): Vladimir Răsvan
Program Chair(s): Chaouki Abdallah
- Sinaia, Romania Program
Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems [SYSTOL 2010]
General Chair(s): Didier Maquin, Ron Patton
Program Chair(s): Jozef Korbicz, Didier Theilliol
- Nice, France
1st IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications [SmartGridComm 2010]
General Chair(s): George Arnold, Stefano Galli
Program Chair(s): Fred Baker, Hamid Gharavi, Simon Haykin
- Gaithersburg, MD, United States
48th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing [ALLERTON 2010]
General Chair(s): Pramod Viswanath, Sean Meyn
- Monticello, IL, United States
IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control [MSC 2010]
Program Chair(s): Fabrizio Dabbene, Mitsuji Sampei, Warren Dixon
- Yokohama, Japan
15th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics [MMAR 2010]
General Chair(s): Zbigniew Emirsajłow
Program Chair(s): T. Kaczorek
- Miedzyzdroje, Poland
6th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering [CASE 2010]
General Chair(s): John Wen
Program Chair(s): Yu Sun
- Toronto, Canada
International Workshop on Control System Science and Engineering [IWCSSE 2010]
General Chair(s): Shuzhi Sam Ge
Program Chair(s): Zhendong Sun
- Chengdu, China
29th Chinese Control Conference [CCC 2010]
General Chair(s): Han-fu Chen
Program Chair(s): Daizhan Cheng, Jie Chen
- Beijing, China